Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jazmin Romero

 Name: Jazmin Romero
 Status: Dating
 Dating: Nicolas Rierra
 Birth Date:  June 30, 1992
 Age: 17
 Hobby:  Eating
 Favorite Band: Black Eyed Peas
 Favorite Food: Fondue
 Favorite Sport: Soccer, Hockey & Rugby
 Nickname: Jaz
 Describes Herself as: Fun & a Nice Person
 Favorite Color: Purple
 Best Friends: Melody Paz, Mar Rinaldi, Camila Salazar, & Estefania Elordi
 Job: Professional Model, Actress, Dancer, & Singer
 Recent Schools: Rockland College & Mandalay
 Kissed: Nacho Perez Alzamendi, Peter Bedolla Aguero, Tacho Rierra & Luca Franchi
 Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, & some Arabic

She is 17 years.
Up to 6 years lived with his parents, gypsies. They had lived all his life in the community happy, but a clash with Joselo, a gypsy enemy of his father (disputed by her mother), made their expulsion from it. Since then, exiled from their community lived until Joselo found them and killed their parents, thus fulfilling his revenge. At least that was what he believed Jazmin ... but soon discover that the real murderer of his parents was another.
She has very sharp memories of gypsy culture. Sing and dance flamenco. In the solitude of the night is told herself, or whoever your friend circumstantial stories of her family, her community, trying to avoid losing its identity.
Full confidence in her intuition, and usually not wrong, but when it comes to love, the passion overshadows intuition and it takes her to choose the wrong men. Jasmine enjoys when men flirt, but not to "marry" none. She needs to feel free and seduction that is skin deep, makes all men die for it. Jazmin flirt with several, and will upset many others.

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