Friday, January 29, 2010

Name: Estefania Elordi
Birth Date: June 13, 1992
Age: 17
Food: Caviar
Store: 47street 
Sport: Hockey
Hobby: Shopping!!!
Status: In a Relationship
Boyfriend: Luca Franchi
Past Boyfriends: Peter Bedolla Aguero, Nacho Perez Alzamendi
Best Friends: Sofia, Marchu, Melchu
Languages: English & Spanish

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photo Shoots

Mar's note on her music video

Jazmin at the Gente Magazine Photo shoot

Mar at the Gente Magazine Photo shoot

Jazmin at a Sweet Victorian Photo Shoot

Jazmin & Melody at a Sweet Victorian Photo Shoot

Melody at a Sweet Victorian Photo Shoot

MAN!!!! vs. Teen Angels Poster

Brochure for Colegio Mandalay 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Melody Paz

Name:  Melody Paz
Hobby: Modeling, Gym, Swimming, Hockey
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Food: Fillet Minion
Favorite Store: 47STREET & Sweet Victorian
Job: Model for Sweet Victorian & Professional Actress, Singer, and Dancer
Birth Date: March 20, 1990
Age: 19
Favorite Animal: Golden Retriver
Status: Dating
Dating: Benjamin Rojas (famous actor and singer)
Best Friends: Estefania Elordi, Jazmin Romero, Mar Rinaldi
Past Boyfriends: Peter Bedolla Aguero, Simon Arrachavaleta, Nicolas Rierra (Tacho), & Teo Gorky
Kissed: Nacho Perez Alzamendi, Nicolas Rierra (Tacho), Peter Bedolla Aguero, Simon Arrachavaleta, Benjamin Rojas & Teo Gorky
Languages: English & Spanish

Melody has 17 years, student applications, the best in its class. Owns a angelic beauty. Loves collaborating on school events, help organize study tours, welcome meetings planned every year in school. Warm, friendly and caring . advocates of absolute perfection.

Jazmin Romero

 Name: Jazmin Romero
 Status: Dating
 Dating: Nicolas Rierra
 Birth Date:  June 30, 1992
 Age: 17
 Hobby:  Eating
 Favorite Band: Black Eyed Peas
 Favorite Food: Fondue
 Favorite Sport: Soccer, Hockey & Rugby
 Nickname: Jaz
 Describes Herself as: Fun & a Nice Person
 Favorite Color: Purple
 Best Friends: Melody Paz, Mar Rinaldi, Camila Salazar, & Estefania Elordi
 Job: Professional Model, Actress, Dancer, & Singer
 Recent Schools: Rockland College & Mandalay
 Kissed: Nacho Perez Alzamendi, Peter Bedolla Aguero, Tacho Rierra & Luca Franchi
 Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, & some Arabic

She is 17 years.
Up to 6 years lived with his parents, gypsies. They had lived all his life in the community happy, but a clash with Joselo, a gypsy enemy of his father (disputed by her mother), made their expulsion from it. Since then, exiled from their community lived until Joselo found them and killed their parents, thus fulfilling his revenge. At least that was what he believed Jazmin ... but soon discover that the real murderer of his parents was another.
She has very sharp memories of gypsy culture. Sing and dance flamenco. In the solitude of the night is told herself, or whoever your friend circumstantial stories of her family, her community, trying to avoid losing its identity.
Full confidence in her intuition, and usually not wrong, but when it comes to love, the passion overshadows intuition and it takes her to choose the wrong men. Jasmine enjoys when men flirt, but not to "marry" none. She needs to feel free and seduction that is skin deep, makes all men die for it. Jazmin flirt with several, and will upset many others.

That's What Girls Do

Porfa, comenten-comment plz

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mar Rinaldi

 Name: Mar Rinaldi
 Hobby: Boxing, Singing, Dancing, & Modeling
 Job: Professional Singer, Dancer, Modeling, and Actress
 Sport: Amateur'  Boxer, Also Plays Hokey and Soccer
 Age: 17
 Birth Date: June 18, 1992
 Recent Schools: Rockland College & Mandaly
 Grade: 6th Grade
 Relationship Status: Dating
 Dating: Peter Bedolla Aguero
 Past Boyfriends: Pedro Reca, Simon Arrachavaleta, Ramiro Ordonez, Nacho Perez Alzamendi
Most Asked Question: Why are you only in 6th grade?????
    Answer: Up until I was adopted by my biological mother Julia at age of 14 I knew nothing from reading to writing so she started homeschooling me and then she put me into school with my step sister whom I love very much. I am still learning many things that need a lot of practice like my times tables but with the help of my overachieving friends at my boarding school i'm getting there especially when my boyfriend lives across the bathroom!!!!!
 Favorite Color: Orange
 Favorite Store: I get my stuff custom made especially my shoes ( I need Platforms) but I love "Sweet Victorian"
 Best Friends: Jazmin Romero, Ramiro Ordonez, Simon Arrachavaleta, Melody Paz, Camila Salazar, Natalia Melcom & Estefania Elordi
 Kissed: Peter Bedoya Aguero, Simon Arrachavaleta, Nacho Perez Alzamendi, Tacho Rierra, Ramiro Ordonez

Marianella is 16.
After wandering for several reformatories and falling into the worst of all, the Foundation "BB", Mar found happiness hand of Heaven, Nico and the guys. That "butch" sullen, suspicious and resentful that arrived at the mansion, gave way to a nice little woman, happy and full of life that is dying to "his own" and do not hesitate to take steps to defend them.
Mar found her birth mother after years of searching, but soon had to leave her because Julia got a job in Spain. However, they maintain their relationship with the distance and is happy to have stayed in the mansion with his friends ... and her stepsister, Tefi, with whom he does not get anything right. Not because you fall ill, but because Tefi makes life impossible, he feels displaced since Mar "came" to her family.
Raised in the streets, and almost illiterate, Marse he improved over this time with the help of everyone in the mansion. However, it is far from being a "lady" like all her new classmates from Rockland Highschool. Determined to keep her strong personality, sometimes male, must overcome more than a humiliation for those "perfect girls".
Boxing has been his passion since I discovered him in a local club where he sometimes fed him.
has  loved Peter since he arrived at the mansion, have had a thousand twists and turns. Both believe they are meant for each other but always end up clashing. To make matters worse, during an impasse, Mar will be smitten by Peter's best friend.

Simon Arrachavaleta

 Name: Simon Arrachavaleta
 Hobby: Tennis & Playing Guitar
 Best Seduction Tool: His Smile
 Someone Special: His Parents
 Age: 18
 Birth Date: September 7, 1991
 Dream: " I dream to make everything and everyone happy with the little things I do"
 Favorite Sport: Tennis, Rugby, and Polo
 Favorite Color: Blue
 Recent Schools: Rockland College & Mandaly
 Status: Dating  
 Dating: Mariana Cordova  
 Past Girlfriends: Maria Daniela Veltran, Melody Paz, & Mar(sea) Rinaldi
 Best Friends: Peter Bedolla Aguero and Mar Rinaldi
 Most Asked Question To Him: Why did you date your best friend's girlfirend????
     Answer: Its that simple I fell in love it was true love but she was too confused and we got into a fight, then we broke up. After that she started playing two points between me and Peter but I decided it was best to forget her, so I did now she is my absolute best friend
 Languages: French, Spanish, & English

Simón Rodriguez Arrechavaleta, is 18 years old and belongs a family accommodated.  His father is a diplomat that returned to the country after to have passed the last two years in Europe as aggregated cultural of the Embassy of the Country.  Her mother, he belongs to the beneficial association of ladies that presides traditionally the First Lady.

If infancy was that of a typical youth of company.  Never it maintained greater contact with people of low resources due to that always attended bilingual private schools of double education, and the remainder of the time, dedicated him to practice sports as the polo or the rugby in the club of the one that his father was a president.